Brainerd High School
Brainerd High
Next Reunion
The 50-year reunion was
held August 4-7, 2022
at The Arrowwood Lodge

The Reunion Information page
in the above menu has details

The next Reunion is TBD

Home Classmate and Contact Info Departed Classmates Missing Classmates Reunion Information Brainonian Year Books Other Alumni Websites Contact Info

Welcome Classmates, Friends and Family of the Brainerd Senior High School Class of 1970

Home of The Brainerd Warriors
Updated May 1, 2022
UPDATE - May 1, 2022 - The twice-postponed 2020 Reunion is happening August 4-7, 2022! Registration is now open for events on the 4th and 5th. The Reunion Information page (link in menu at left) has details.

Logo for 50-year Reunion UPDATE - January 31, 2020 - Planning for the 50-year reunion is underway.

We want to gather as much contact information (especially email addresses, but phone and postal, too) for our classmates as possible. Facebook pages are also helpful.

The "Classmate & Contact Info" page (see menu at left) has a list of classmates with an icon showing if we have an email for that classmate. The "Missing Classmates" page (see menu at left) lists people for whom we have neither an email nor a postal address. Both pages are updated weekly.

Please send any missing info to Sherrie (Hansen) Kunkel & Deb (Johnson) Smith.

The "Departed Classmates" page has many new entries added since 2010. We are up to 67 classmates who have passed away.

The "Reunion Information" page (again, see menu at left) has current 50-year reunion details. More details are added as decisions are made.

Facebook Groups

We have two Class-of-1970-related Facebook Groups. You have to be a member of Facebook and Join a group in order to post or comment. They are findable by searching in the Facebook Search Bar.

BHS 1970 3rd Tues 11:30 Lunchers is for Classmates who want to gather for a monthly meet and greet at a local restaurant. The upcoming place and date is posted a month in advance. If you will be in town on the 3rd Tuesday and wish to join us, just show up! It is a public group (anyone can see the posts). Barbara (Hartley) Marohn is the admin.

Brainerd High School Class of 1970, MN - 50th Reunion is for posting reunion updates and for Classmates to share photos and stories. It is a private group (only members can see the posts). Sherrie (Hansen) Kunkel is the admin.

UPDATE - February 13, 2015 - Plans for a 45-year reunion are now in place.

Saturday, July 18, 5-closing in the Blue Room at Yesterday's Gone

Yesterday's Gone is located in the old Moose Building at 219 S 9th St (corner of S 9th and Laurel). Doors will open at 5 pm and the room will stay available until closing. There are 2 parking lots and parking on the street. There will be a cash bar and a menu available (see their web site). The kitchen will be open until 11 pm. Coors Lite has a shuttle service available (call 218-270-0847). We would like to have an idea of how many will be attending, so please RSVP Harley Ellis at by 6/20/15. Please let other classmates know about our website with reunion info. There is also a Facebook page for this 45-year Reunion event.

UPDATE - February 8, 2013 - The "Mission Improbable" film produced by classmate Bob Cummins and starring Craig Engelhart, Dean Gerdes, Terri Lovald ('71), Fred Potthoff and Don Smith is now available on YouTube. You can select a hi-def version by clicking on the options gearwheel.

UPDATE - July 22, 2010 - See the Reunion Information page for updates - new 40-Year Reunion Highlights page and Photo Album(!), and changes to the reunion committee for the 45-Year Reunion in 2015.

UPDATE - May 7, 2010 - "Reunion Information" has additional details about the upcoming reunion. Reminder: There will be no mailings sent out. This website is the primary source of reunion information. So don't wait for a letter before sending in your registration to Brian!

UPDATE - April 28, 2010 - "Departed Classmates" has several new obituaries added in the past month. "Classmate & Contact Information" now has links for over 100 classmates that are on Facebook.

This site was created March 13, 2010, to provide information about upcoming reunions and about our classmates. I'm John Van Essen and I created and maintain our class web site with the help of other volunteers.

Tony Gebhard of Sytek Communications and member of the Class of '69 is the webmaster of the Class of 1969 website and graciously provided his website templates for our use.

(A red x on a menu item means it's not yet ready.)
© Brainerd High School Class of 1970,     Brainerd, Minnesota. Hosted by     Original design by